Industrial visit at Raj Samadhiyala Village
Posted on December 14th, 2019 @ 09:23pm
On Dated 20th Sept 2019, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Diploma Studies & School of Engineering, RK University had jointly organized an Industrial Visit to Rajsamadhiyala Village. Rajsamadhiyala falls under Rajkol Rural Vidhan Sabha area. The village started mandatory voting in 1983 when Hardev Singh Jadeja became its sarpanch. Today, 34 years later, voting in Rajsamadhiyala village is still mandatory.As one enters the village, two boards written in Gujarati list out the rules applicable and facilities available in the village. According to the rules of Rajsamadhiyala Lok Adalat, a fine of Rs 51 is imposed on throwing garbage, consuming or selling gutka in the village.Development in the village is clearly visible as the annual fee being taken from the people and government schemes are being utilised properly. Along with the entire village road being PCC, the village has toilets, electricity and water in every household, street lights running on solar power, CCTV cameras, separate water tanker for the village as well as a health centre. Now, even free Wi-Fi has been made available.