Directors Message

It gives me immense pleasure welcoming you all to School of Diploma Studies, RK University. SDS is an institute set up not just for imparting technical knowledge with hands-on training to the students but also to provide them with personal & spiritual growth, thus giving them a competitive advantage in this plethora of look-alike institutes.

As we all can experience around us, that advancement in technology has touched all the facets of living to a great height. So, to keep pace with these advancements, uplift in teaching and learning methods have to be made as well. This is what we practice at SDS – where learning is not just a series of instructions/information but a passion to understand, think, inculcate technical & social know how to build individual career & development of the society as a whole.

Students at the School of Diploma Studies are molded into efficient engineers through various skills including teamwork, effective communication skills, critical thinking skills blended with innovative curricula. Apart from academics, co-curricular activities, sports & cultural development forms an integral part of life at the SDS.

With this, I invite you to visit our campus and enjoy the beauty of RK University.

Dr. Nirav Bhatt

Director, School of Diploma Studies
RK University