Industrial visit at ISR, Statue of Unity & Sardar Sarovar Dam.
Posted on December 14th, 2019 @ 04:25pm
On Dated 29th July 2019 & 30th July 2019, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Diploma Studies & School of Engineering, RK University had jointly organized an Industrial Visit to Institute of Seismological Reasearch & Sardar sarovar Dam. A technical visit was organized for Students of Civil engineering and Agricultural engineering at Institute of Seismological Research center(ISR), Gandhinagar on 29/07/2019. At ISR, Students got to know about current researches going on in the field of earthquake engineering. on 30/07/2019, Students Visited A Statue of Unity and Sardar sarovar dam at Narmada. At Sardar Sarovar dam, Students got technical information about Hydraulic structure of dam.